Directed synthesis of graphene nanoribbons

Third party funded individual grant

Start date : 01.08.2008

End date : 30.08.2011

Project details

Scientific Abstract

Graphene confined in one dimensional spaces, e.g. ribbons, represents one of the most promising materials for nanoscale semiconductor devices. However, convenient methods of producing such materials on surfaces suitable for device manufacture are lacking. A new oligomer approach to the synthesis of graphene ribbons on semiconductor surfaces is proposed, based upon oxidative aryl-aryl coupling reactions and Diels-Alder chemistry. This method will surpass current approaches based upon high-temperature desilination of silicon carbide or upon high-temperature deposition of carbon atoms for graphene synthesis. Structures will be created through a novel “nanoembossing” technique, which uses hot-tip nanolithography to convert the graphene precursors into functional nanostructures. This technique will take advantage of the tremendous success and extensive literature in synthesizing free-standing graphitic molecules by a number of groups, including those represented here, as well as the new technique of hot-tip nanolithography. The intellectual merit of the proposed activity involves the development of an unprecedented “bottom-up” approach to the synthesis of graphene, using the unique capabilities of a group of four investigators, each of whom supplies a critical piece of technology. The broader impact of the research stems from the potential breakthrough technology proposed, which may open up a new and potentially revolutionary approach to nanocircuit design, and to the strengthening of ties among several heretofore unlinked groups, providing a unique educational experience for Ph.D. students.


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