Assessment of Data Management Systems (DAMSEL)

Internally funded project

Acronym: DAMSEL

Start date : 01.09.2014

End date : 31.12.2018

Project details

Short description

The world of data-management systems has become a bit confusing during the last years.  Next to the well-established relational database systems, so-called NoSQL systems have been developed, which pretend to cope with much larger data volumes.  At the same time, they can only offer limited functionality with respect to efficient data access and can only give reduced consistency guarantees.  That raises the question when to stick to a relational database and when to move to a NoSQL system.  This project collects the criteria that allow to make such a decision on a well-founded basis.

Scientific Abstract

In addition to the classic application in business and administration, data-storage systems are increasingly gaining acceptance in other scenarios, namely in Web applications and in mobile apps. Next to the established relational database systems, data-storage systems with alternative, often simplified data models are used. These systems, which are coined "NoSQL" systems, are mostly created in isolation. They offer much less functionality, but are more scalable instead and show higher availablity than relational database systems.

The project deals with the assessment and subsumption of non-relational systems. The classification derived from that is to help users in the decision on such a system.

Benchmarks are useful in the assessment of system properties. The project will therefore analyse existing benchmarks and extend them as required.


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