Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Acronym: SLASSY
Start date : 01.01.2009
End date : 31.12.2020
Extension date: 31.03.2021
The processes of sheet metal forming, which are being researched within the framework of the Collaborative Research Centre Transregio 73 (SFB/TR73), offer new possibilities for adapting components to increased requirements due to their increased design freedom. The combination of solid and sheet metal forming offers enormous potential for product development, and suitable computer-aided tools must be made available to exploit this potential.
Subproject B1 is dedicated to this overall goal with the
development of a self-learning assistance system (SLASSY). SLASSY
enables the knowledge-based support of the design engineer in the
development of sheet metal formed components with complex secondary form
elements. The necessary design-relevant manufacturing knowledge is
collected simultaneously with the manufacturing process development by
using machine learning methods. It is then stored in the
multidimensional knowledge base in the form of meta or prediction
models. The architecture of SLASSY supports the synthesis of a component
from main and secondary form elements as well as its knowledge-based
A major goal of the third phase is the use of spatially
resolved meta models for the prediction of local component and tool
properties. For example, to directly predict the degree of deformation
on the component surface.
Ziel des Teilprojekts ist die simultane Entwicklung (d. h. zeitgleich und parallel zur Entwicklung der neuen Fertigungstechnologie) eines selbstlernenden Assistenzsystems mit integrierter multidimensionaler Wissensbasis, wodurch der Produktentwickler schon frühzeitig die notwendige Unterstützung bei der fertigungsgerechten Gestaltung blechmassivumgeformter Bauteile erhält. Der Fokus der dritten Phase liegt auf der Erforschung und Bereitstellung von Methoden zur Analyse von Bauteilentwürfen hinsichtlich der Fertigbarkeit unter Berücksichtigung der Einflüsse der gesamten Fertigungsprozesskette.