Diachronic Landscape Archaeology in the Late Neolithic and Copper Age in Moldavia, Romania.
Third party funded individual grant
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End date :
Vestiges and interdisciplinary contributions on the Eneolithic, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age in the Moldova valley. The archaeological site of Plăieşu (Commune of Timişeşti, Neamţ County). (2024)
Diaconu V, Mischka C, Mischka D, Aparaschivei C, Creţu EI
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
New discoveries of settlement plans and enclosures of the Cucuteni-complex in Moldova. Gradiometer-survey 2015 (2020)
Mischka C, Mischka D, Rubel A
Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
Geomagnetic survey of Cucuteni-settlements in Moldova – results of the FAU – campaign 2015 (2016)
Mischka D, Mischka C, Rubel A
Journal article