Die Wirkungen der Kurzarbeit: Eine Analyse an der Schnittstelle von dynamischer Makro-Arbeitsmarkttheorie und angewandter Ökonometrie
Third party funded individual grant
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End date :
The German labor market during the Great Recession: Shocks and institutions (2019)
Gehrke B, Lechthaler W, Merkl C
Journal article
Counteracting unemployment in crises: Non-linear effects of short-time work policy (2019)
Gehrke B, Hochmuth B
Journal article, Original article
Fiscal rules and unemployment (2018)
Gehrke B
Journal article, Original article
Some Surprising Facts about Working Time Accounts and the Business Cycle (2017)
Balleer A, Gehrke B, Merkl C
Journal article
Does Short-Time Work Save Jobs? A Business Cycle Analysis (2016)
Gehrke B, Lechthaler W, Merkl C, Balleer A
Journal article