Area mapping of superficial geothermic resources by soil and groundwater data (ThermoMap)
Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Start date :
End date :
Pan-European planning tool for sustainable energy systems – ThermoMap project (2019)
Bertermann D, Jocic N, Müller J
Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture
Comparison between Measured and Calculated Thermal Conductivities within Different Grain Size Classes and Their Related Depth Ranges (2018)
Bertermann D, Müller J, Freitag S, Schwarz H
Journal article
A pan-European planning basis for estimating the very shallow geothermal energy potentials. (2015)
Bertermann D, Klug H, Morper-Busch L
Journal article
Modelling vSGPs (very shallow geothermal potentials) in selected CSAs (case study areas). (2014)
Bertermann D, Klug H, Morper-Busch L, Bialas C
Journal article
Estimating the thermal properties of soils and soft rocks for ground source heat pumps installation in Constanta county, Romania (2014)
Vijdea AM, Weindl C, Cosac A, Asimopolos NS, Bertermann D
Journal article, Original article