TANAMI - Tracking Active Galactic Nuclei with Austral Milliarcsecond Interferometry

Third party funded individual grant

Start date : 01.01.2012

End date : 31.07.2015

Project details

Scientific Abstract

Very Long Baseline Interferometric observations of extragalactic jets allow us to study the dynamical evolution of these relativistic outflows from supermassive black holes. We ask for funding of a TV-L E13/2 position in order to analyze the large sample of 75 southern sky Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) observed within the TANAMI-project, the largest VLBI monitoring project of southern AGN. The aim of the project is a) to monitor the variable milliarcsecond-scale structure of AGN jets, b) to determine the broadband spectral energy distribution of these objects, using contemporaneous flux measurements in the radio, the X-rays, and the γ-rays (using NASA’s Swift- and Fermi-satellites), and c) to test the connection between AGN γ-ray flaring and radio jet production.


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