Rahmenrichtlinien für Qualifizierungen des DOSB und Ausbildungskonzeptionen der Mitgliedsverbände: Trainer/in Leistungssport zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit (QuaTro)

Third party funded individual grant

Acronym: QuaTro

Start date : 01.01.2015

End date : 31.12.2017

Project details

Scientific Abstract

Purpose: The aim is to contribute to the quality development of coach-education /coach-qualification in the DOSB. The study is aimed at all four license levels (trainer A/B/C, diploma trainer) in order to show the successive build-up of qualifications for sports-specific performance sports. The central question is: Are the competency requirements of the coach-education framework of the DOSB to the coach-performance sports in the education frameworks and the educational reality of the member associations solved?

Work planning: The planned study is based on the "differential analysis approach (Differenzanalytischer Ansatz)" for the investigation of potential differences between claim and reality in education fetching (eg Balz & Neumann, 2005). In the first step (1) Determine differences, the formulated competence requirements of the training reality are compared and potential differences are determined. In the second step (2) Understand Differences, potential differences are analyzed from the point of view of the education responsible. In the third step (3) Assess and evaluate differences, the available findings flow into recommendations for action in the sense of a transfer concept, thus contributing to the quality development of the coahes training in the DOSB.

Planned utilization of findings: The utilization of the results is carried out in transfer concepts both for practice (DOSB, top-level associations) and for sports science. The results are collected in a final report, made available to all project partners and published. A key element of the transfer concept for the DOSB and its top dressings are recommendations for action. The findings of the differential study are discussed at a transfer workshop with all project partners and transferred into concrete action plans.


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