Prof. Dr. Lisa Handke

Picture of Lisa Handke


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




How Virtual are We? Introducing the Team Perceived Virtuality Scale (2024) Handke L, Costa P, Feitosa J Journal article Designing virtual mentoring programs based on students’ motivation to participate: a qualitative study (2024) Hennig F, Wesche JS, Handke L, Kerschreiter R Journal article Herausforderungen im digitalen Mentoring (2023) Hennig F, Wesche JS, Handke L, Kerschreiter R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Digitization and automation of training and development in organizations: chances, challenges, and application examples Digitalisierung und Automatisierung der Weiterbildung in Organisationen: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Praxisbeispiele (2023) Wesche JS, Handke L, Pahl B, Diering LE, Junger AJ, Gieselmann LR Journal article Job Crafting put into context (2023) Georganta E, Handke L Conference contribution, Conference Contribution When Groups of Different Sizes Collide: Effects of Targeted Verbal Aggression on Intragroup Functioning (2023) Klonek FE, Gerpott FH, Handke L Journal article Digitale Führung (2023) Wesche JS, Handke L Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Witschaftspsychologie Ein Plädoyer für breit gewählte und anforderungsbezogene Leistungsindikatoren (2023) Niessen C, Melchers KG, Ohly S, Fay D, Handke L, Kern UM Journal article Virtuality and the eyes of the beholder: beyond static relationships between teams and technology (2023) Costa P, Handke L Book chapter / Article in edited volumes What Goes Around Comes Around – The Relationship between Part-time Telework and Work Design (2023) Handke L, O’Neill TA, McLarnon MJW, Kauffeld S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution