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Luisa Brokmeier
List of publications:
Professur für Epidemiologie und Public Health
Professur für Epidemiologie
Types of publications
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Journal article
Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Authored book
Edited Volume
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Conference contribution
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Unpublished / Preprint
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What does the general population know about nonmelanoma skin cancer? Representative cross-sectional data from Germany (2024)
Brokmeier L, Görig T, Spähn BA, Breitbart EW, Heppt M, Diehl K
Journal article
Hohe Inzidenz, doch was ist darüber bekannt? Bundesweit repräsentative Daten zum Wissen über „weißen Hautkrebs“ (2024)
Diehl K, Brokmeier L, Breitbart EW, Hübner IM, Görig T
Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture
Correction: The longitudinal directional associations of meaningful work with mental well-being – initial findings from an exploratory investigation (BMC Psychology, (2023), 11, 1, (325), 10.1186/s40359-023-01308-x) (2023)
Herr R, Brokmeier L, Baron BN, Mauss D, Fischer JE
Journal article, Erratum
The longitudinal directional associations of meaningful work with mental well-being – initial findings from an exploratory investigation (2023)
Herr R, Brokmeier L, Baron BN, Mauss D, Fischer JE
Journal article
Sun Protection in German Outdoor Workers: Differences by Sex and Job-Related Characteristics (2023)
Diehl K, Brokmeier L, Konkel T, Breitbart EW, Drexler H, Görig T
Journal article
Exercise as medicine for depressive symptoms? A systematic review and meta-analysis with meta-regression (2023)
Heissel A, Heinen D, Brokmeier LL, Skarabis N, Kangas M, Vancampfort D, Stubbs B, et al.
Journal article
“Well, to Be Honest, I Don’t Have an Idea of What It Might Be”—A Qualitative Study on Knowledge and Awareness Regarding Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer (2023)
Brokmeier L, Diehl K, Spaehn BA, Jansen C, Konkel T, Uter W, Görig T
Journal article
Sun protection behavior in German outdoor workers: Prevalence and determinants (2023)
Diehl K, Brokmeier L, Konkel T, Drexler H, Breitbart EW, Görig T
Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture
Wissen über nicht-melanozytären Hautkrebs in der Allgemeinbevölkerung: eine multi-methodische Studie (2023)
Brokmeier L, Görig T, Spaehn BA, Heppt M, Breitbart EW, Diehl K
Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster
I would say there will be white patches on the skin" - A qualitative study of perception and knowledge of white skin cancer (2022)
Brokmeier L, Diehl K, Diringer BA, Jansen C, Görig T
Conference contribution