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Prof. Dr. Vratislav Strnad
List of publications:
Department of Radiation Oncology
Types of publications
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Journal article
Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Edited Volume
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Unpublished / Preprint
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Filters (inactive)
The current status of brachytherapy in Europe − A GEC-ESTRO Brachy-HERO survey (2025)
Johansen JG, Jürgenliemk-Schulz IM, Haddad H, Hannoun-Levi JM, Hellebust TP, Guix B, Loessl K, et al.
Journal article
GEC-ESTRO recommendations for head & neck cancer brachytherapy (interventional radiotherapy): 2nd update with focus on HDR and PDR (2024)
Guinot JL, Bacorro W, Budrukkar A, Bussu F, Gonzalez-Perez V, Jaberi R, Martinez-Monge R, et al.
Journal article
Brachytherapy in vaginal cancer for organ preservation: Clinical outcome and safety from a single center experience (2024)
Merten R, Strnad V, Karius A, Lotter M, Kreppner S, Schweizer C, Fietkau R, Schubert P
Journal article
In Regard to Shaitelman et al. (2024)
Kaidar-Person O, Strnad V, Ratosa I, Boersma L, Poortmans P
Journal article
Tumor-Associated Neutrophils Are a Negative Prognostic Factor in Early Luminal Breast Cancers Lacking Immunosuppressive Macrophage Recruitment (2024)
Schmidt E, Distel L, Erber R, Büttner-Herold M, Rosahl MC, Ott O, Strnad V, et al.
Journal article
Outcomes of I-125 Low-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy in Patients with Localized Prostate Cancer: A Comprehensive Analysis from a Specialized Tertiary Referral Center (2024)
Schubert P, Strnad V, Höfler D, Schweizer C, Putz F, Lotter M, Kreppner S, et al.
Journal article
Very accelerated partial breast irradiation in 1 or 2 days: Late toxicity and early oncological outcome of the GEC-ESTRO VAPBI cohort (2024)
Hannoun-Levi JM, Gimeno Morales M, Gal J, Anchuelo J, Guinot JL, Gastanaga M, Meszaros N, et al.
Journal article
DEGRO guideline for personalized radiotherapy of brain metastases and leptomeningeal carcinomatosis in patients with breast cancer (2024)
Borm KJ, Behzadi ST, Hörner-Rieber J, Krug D, Baumann R, Corradini S, Duma MN, et al.
Journal article, Review article
Definitive treatment for primary urethral cancer: A single institution's experience with organ-preserving brachytherapy (2024)
Merten R, Strnad V, Karius A, Lotter M, Kreppner S, Schweizer C, Fietkau R, Schubert P
Journal article
Strahlentherapie des Zervixkarzinoms: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Therapiestandards der perkutanen Strahlentherapie und Brachytherapie (2024)
Schweizer C, Strnad V
Journal article