Julius Klingelhöfer


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Momentary motivations for digital disconnection: an experience sampling study (2024) Klingelhoefer J, Gilbert A, Meier A Journal article (Not) one more glance at my phone before I sleep: Effects of self-regulation of smartphone use on sleep displacement and arousal (2024) Klingelhoefer J, Jansen A, Vogelgesang J Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Disconnection strategies to improve productivity and well-being: A two-wave panel study (2024) Klingelhoefer J, Nguyen MH, Geber S Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Mapping transdisciplinary views on disconnection studies: Perspectives from an interdisciplinary research collective (2024) Ross MQ, Gilbert A, Klingelhoefer J, Matassi M, Nassen LM, Van Bruyssel S, Parry DA Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Optimizing mobile support for physical and mental health: A glimpse of mhealth projects (2024) Yang E, de Segovia D, Klingelhoefer J, Mi E Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Beyond screen time: Exploring effects of different smartphone use log metrics on situational well-being (2024) Klingelhoefer J, Gilbert A, Adrian C, Meier A Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture The PowerPoint imagination: Visualization and managerial vocabularies in sustainability reports (2023) Ganesh S, Harness D, Schnell MT, Klingelhoefer J, James SH, Palakshappa N Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Politics, power relations, and the UNGC: A relational orientation toward transparency (2023) Harness D, Ganesh S, Klingelhoefer J, Schnell MT Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Logging media non-use? A computational assessment of digital disconnection with smartphone logging data (2023) Klingelhoefer J, Gilbert A, Meier A, Adrian C, Reinecke L Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Log on, log off, repeat? Motivations and well-being effects of digital disconnection in everyday life (2023) Klingelhoefer J, Gilbert A, Meier A Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture
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