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Dr. med. Jelena Jukic
List of publications:
Department of Molecular Neurology
Project Memberships
Types of publications
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Journal article
Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Edited Volume
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Radar-Based Tremor Quantification Using Deep Learning for Improved Parkinson’s and Palliative Care Assessment (2024)
Mejdani D, Bräunig J, GrießHammer SG, Krauß D, Steigleder T, Engel L, Jukic J, et al.
Journal article
Unraveling progression subtypes in people with Huntington’s disease (2024)
Raschka T, Li Z, Gaßner H, Kohl Z, Jukic J, Marxreiter F, Fröhlich H
Journal article
Novel Homozygous FA2H Variant Causing the Full Spectrum of Fatty Acid Hydroxylase-Associated Neurodegeneration (SPG35) (2023)
German A, Jukic J, Laner A, Arnold P, Socher E, Mennecke A, Schmidt M, et al.
Journal article
The effects of an individualized smartphone-based exercise program on self-defined motor tasks in Parkinson's disease: a long-term feasibility study (2023)
Lützow L, Teckenburg IB, Koch V, Marxreiter F, Jukic J, Stallforth S, Regensburger M, et al.
Journal article
Contactless Heart Rate Estimation using a 61 GHz Continuous-Wave Radar (2023)
Krauß D, Richer R, Albrecht NC, Küderle A, Abel L, Leutheuser H, Jukic J, et al.
Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster
Parkinson's disease or multiple system atrophy: potential separation by quantitative susceptibility mapping (2023)
Marxreiter F, Lambrecht V, Mennecke A, Hanspach J, Jukic J, Regensburger M, Herrler J, et al.
Journal article
The Effects of an Individualized Smartphone-Based Exercise Program on Self-defined Motor Tasks in Parkinson Disease: Pilot Interventional Study. (2022)
Gaßner H, Friedrich J, Masuch A, Jukic J, Stallforth S, Regensburger M, Marxreiter F, et al.
Journal article
Elevated VEGF-plasma levels in young patients with mild essential hypertension (2009)
Stumpf C, Jukic J, Yilmaz A, Raaz D, Schmieder R, Daniel W, Garlichs C
Journal article