PD Dr. Benedikt Morschheuser

Picture of Benedikt Morschheuser


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The role of territorial behavior in shaping user engagement on enterprise collaboration platforms (2023) Lin L, Morschheuser B, Offergelt F, Moser K Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Altruism or egoism – How do game features motivate cooperation? An investigation into user we-intention and I-intention (2023) Riar M, Morschheuser B, Zarnekow R, Hamari J Journal article, Original article Inflammania 3D: Exploring the Use of the Metaverse Platform Roblox for Science Communication (2023) Greiner R, Merk S, Reiß S, Stief J, Wüllner C, Morschheuser B, Jeleazcov S Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster Designing tailored gamification: A mixed-methods study on expert perspectives and user behavior in a gamified app for sustainability at work (2023) Kirchner-Krath J, Klock ACT, Morschheuser B, Park S, Legaki Z, von Korflesch HF, Hamari J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution AI-assisted learning with ChatGPT and large language models: Implications for higher education (2023) Laato S, Morschheuser B, Hamari J, Björne J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution How to increase sustainable engagement in the workplace through green IS: The role of instructional and motivational design features (2023) Krath J, Morschheuser B, von Korflesch HF, Hamari J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Is adaptive gamification just a theoretical fairytale? An experiment in a text-based adventure game for data crowdsourcing (2023) Weber M, Riar M, Morschheuser B Conference contribution Gamification of cooperation: A framework, literature review and future research agenda (2022) Riar M, Morschheuser B, Zarnekow R, Hamari J Journal article, Review article Understanding human factors in the metaverse - an autonomous driving experiment (2022) Augenstein D, Morschheuser B Conference contribution, Conference Contribution What do games teach us about designing effective human-AI cooperation? - A systematic literature review and thematic synthesis on design patterns of non-player characters (2022) Wittmann M, Morschheuser B Conference contribution, Original article
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