Yuval Ofek-Shanny

Picture of Yuval Ofek-Shanny


Activity types

Membership in Science Council
Membership in FAU-internal representative bodies
Membership in DFG-Subject field
Organisation of a congress/conference/exhibition
Editorship of a scientific journal or series
Expert for funding organisation
Expert for reviewing scientific journal
Other external expert activity
Other external activity
Group SVG Measurements of performance gaps are sensitive to the level of test stakes: Evidence from PISA and a Field Experiment EEA Minorities in Economics virtual seminar 24.05.2023 Group SVG To be or not to be on social media: How social media content impacts recruitment Frontiers of Economics Haifa-Abu Dhabi workshop 23.04.2023 Group SVG Measurements of performance gaps are sensitive to the level of test stakes: Evidence from PISA and a Field Experiment EEA-ESEM Milano 25.08.2022 Group SVG Causal Effects of Subsidized In-Home Care on Mortality and Adult Children’s Labor Supply 2nd IZA/CINCH/AHIL Workshop: The Economics of Long-Term Care and Healthy Aging 10.06.2022 Group SVG Measurements of performance gaps are sensitive to the level of test stakes: Evidence from PISA and a Field Experiment ESA Special meeting, Buenos Aires 03.02.2022 Group SVG Measurements of performance gaps are sensitive to the level of test stakes: Evidence from PISA and a Field Experiment ESA Special Meeting 2022 by JILAEE 03.02.2022 Group SVG Assessment of Minorities' Skills Using Low-Stakes Tests - Evidence from PISA and a Field Experiment 6th IZA Workshop: The Economics of Education 24.09.2021 Group SVG Assessment of Minorities' Skills Using Low-Stakes Tests - Evidence from PISA and a Field Experiment Young Economists Meeting 03.09.2021 Group SVG Assessment of Minorities' Ability Using Low-Stakes Tests - Evidence from PISA and a Field Experiment Bavarian Micro-Day 25.06.2021 Group SVG Do Religion and Gender Matter on Low Stakes Assessment Tests: a Field Experiment International Workshop on Applied Economics of Education 24.06.2019