PD Dr. Aijia Cai


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Lipotransfer führt zu Verbesserung von Schluck- und Artikulationsstörungen nach mikrochirurgischer Zungenrekonstruktion – ein Fallbericht (2021) Cai A, Iro H, Horch RE Journal article The influence of K-wire transfixation on proximalization of the first metacarpal after resection suspension interposition arthroplasty (2021) Fritz N, Ludolph I, Arkudas A, Horch RE, Cai A Journal article Interdisciplinary Surgical Approaches in Vaginal and Perineal Reconstruction of Advanced Rectal and Anal Female Cancer Patients (2020) Horch RE, Ludolph I, Weber K, Grützmann R, Arkudas A, Cai A Journal article Plastisch-chirurgische Rekonstruktion bei ausgedehnten Beckenbodendefekten nach onkologischer Chirurgie (2020) Horch RE, Arkudas A, Ludolph I, Cai A, Mulica M Journal article, Review article Autologous Breast Reconstruction with Transverse Rectus Abdominis Musculocutaneous (TRAM) or Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) Flaps: An Analysis of the 100 Most Cited Articles (2019) Suckau J, Arkudas A, Beier J, Momeni A, Horch RE, Cai A Journal article Operating on the Edge? Body Contouring Procedures in Patients with Body Mass Index Greater 35 (2019) Hauck T, Schmitz M, Horch RE, Arkudas A, Boos A, Ludolph I, Cai A Journal article Investigation of the batch-to-batch inconsistencies of Collagen in PCL-Collagen nanofibers. (2019) Dippold D, Hardt M, Boccaccini AR, Horch RE, Beier JP, Schubert DW, Cai A Journal article Indocyanine green angiography and the old question of vascular autonomy - Long term changes of microcirculation in microsurgically transplanted free flaps (2019) Ludolph I, Arkudas A, Lang W, Rother U, Horch RE, Cai A Journal article Body Contouring Surgery Improves Physical Activity in Patients After Massive Weight Loss—a Retrospective Study (2019) Maringa L, Hauck T, Boos A, Schmitz M, Arkudas A, Horch RE, Ludolph I, Cai A Journal article Myogenic differentiation of primary myoblasts and mesenchymal stromal cells under serum-free conditions on PCLcollagen I-nanoscaffolds (2018) Hardt M, Schneider P, Schmid R, Lange C, Dippold D, Schubert DW, Boos A, et al. Journal article, Original article
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