Dr. med. Lars Anneken


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Systematic Comparison of ECG Delineation Algorithm Performance on Smartwatch Data (2024) Jäger K, Nissen M, Flaucher M, Graf L, Joanidopoulos J, Anneken L, Hübner H, et al. Journal article Improving Deep Learning-based Cardiac Abnormality Detection in 12-Lead ECG with Data Augmentation (2022) Qiu J, Oppelt M, Nissen M, Anneken L, Breininger K, Eskofier B Conference contribution Early single center experience with a novel transcatheter anuloplasty system for the treatment of functional tricuspid regurgitation (2020) Landendinger M, Smolka S, Tröbs M, Anneken L, Gaede L, Achenbach S, Arnold M, Marwan M Conference contribution Hypercalcemia mimicking myocardial infarction (2019) Schmidt-Lauber C, Anneken L, Schödel J Journal article Wireless LV endocardial stimulation for CRT: Acute and short term results after retrograde and transseptal implantation (2018) Gruber M, Anneken L, Feher M, Yovcheva I, Achenbach S, Arnold M Conference contribution Textile Integrated Wearable Technologies for Sports and Medical Applications (2017) Leutheuser H, Lang N, Gradl-Trautvetter S, Struck M, Tobola A, Hofmann C, Anneken L, Eskofier B Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Instantaneous P-and T-wave detection: Assessment of three ECG fiducial points detection algorithms (2016) Leutheuser H, Gradl S, Anneken L, Lang N, Achenbach S, Eskofier B, Arnold M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Arrhythmia classification using RR intervals: Improvement with sinusoidal regression feature (2015) Leutheuser H, Tobola A, Anneken L, Gradl S, Lang N, Achenbach S, Eskofier B, Arnold M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Comparison of Real-Time Classification Systems for Arrhythmia Detection on Android-based Mobile Devices (2014) Leutheuser H, Gradl S, Kugler P, Anneken L, Achenbach S, Eskofier B, Arnold M Conference contribution Automatic ECG Arrhythmia Detection in Real-Time on Android-based Mobile Devices (2014) Leutheuser H, Gottschalk T, Anneken L, Struck M, Heuberger A, Achenbach S, Eskofier B, Arnold M Conference contribution