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Ana Isabel Vieira Antao
List of publications:
Institute of Clinical and Molecular Virology
Types of publications
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Journal article
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Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Edited Volume
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Filters (inactive)
Evaluation of adenoviral vector Ad19a encoding RSV-F as novel vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus (2024)
Fuchs J, Hübner J, Schmidt A, Irrgang P, Maier C, Vieira Antao AI, Oltmanns F, et al.
Journal article
Filling two needs with one deed: a combinatory mucosal vaccine against influenza A virus and respiratory syncytial virus (2024)
Vieira Antao AI, Oltmanns F, Schmidt A, Viherlehto V, Irrgang P, Rameix-Welti MA, Bayer W, et al.
Journal article
Mucosal tumor vaccination delivering endogenous tumor antigens protects against pulmonary breast cancer metastases (2024)
Oltmanns F, Vieira Antao AI, Irrgang P, Viherlehto V, Jörg L, Schmidt A, Wagner J, et al.
Journal article
STAT6-induced production of mucus and resistin-like molecules in lung Club cells does not protect against helminth or influenza A virus infection (2023)
Ruhl A, Vieira Antao AI, Dietschmann A, Radtke D, Tenbusch M, Vöhringer D
Journal article
Differential induction of lung-resident memory T cells through infection or viral vector immunization (2022)
Schmidt A, Fuchs J, Lapuente D, Huebner J, Vieira Antao AI, Irrgang P, Paudyal B, et al.
Conference contribution
Mucosal vaccination with a viral vector vaccine induces robust lung-resident T cell responses and protects against 4T1 metastasis (2022)
Oltmanns F, Vieira Antao AI, Irrgang P, Meyn V, Jörg L, Tenbusch M, Lapuente D
Conference contribution
Protective mucosal immunity against SARS-CoV-2 after heterologous systemic prime-mucosal boost immunization (2021)
Lapuente D, Fuchs J, Willar J, Vieira Antao AI, Eberlein V, Uhlig N, Issmail L, et al.
Journal article