Prof. Dr. Moritz Zaiß


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Improved quantification in CEST-MRI by joint spatial total generalized variation (2024) Huemer M, Stilianu C, Maier O, Fabian M, Schmidt M, Dörfler A, Bredies K, et al. Journal article Exploring GPT-4 as MR Sequence and Reconstruction Programming Assistant (2024) Zaiß M, Rajput JR, Dang HN, Golkov V, Cremers D, Knoll F, Maier A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Comprehensive 7 T CEST: A clinical MRI protocol covering multiple exchange rate regimes (2024) Fabian M, Rajput JR, Schüre JR, Weinmüller S, Mennecke A, Möhle TA, Rampp S, et al. Journal article Multi-echo–based fat artifact correction for CEST MRI at 7 T (2024) Tkotz K, Liebert A, Gast L, Zeiger P, Uder M, Zaiß M, Nagel AM Journal article Sidebands in CEST MR—How to recognize and avoid them (2024) Schüre JR, Weinmüller S, Kamm L, Herz K, Zaiß M Journal article Phase distribution graphs for fast, differentiable, and spatially encoded Bloch simulations of arbitrary MRI sequences (2024) Endres J, Weinmüller S, Dang HN, Zaiß M Journal article Fast WASABI post-processing: Access to rapid B0 and B1 correction in clinical routine for CEST MRI (2023) Papageorgakis C, Firippi E, Gy B, Boutelier T, Khormi I, Al-iedani O, Lechner-Scott J, et al. Journal article Multi-parametric optimization of magnetic resonance imaging sequences for magnetic resonance-guided radiotherapy (2023) Fahad HM, Dorsch S, Zaiß M, Karger CP Journal article Snapshot CEST++: Advancing rapid whole-brain APTw-CEST MRI at 3 T (2023) Sedykh M, Liebig P, Herz K, Fabian M, Mennecke A, Weinmüller S, Schmidt M, et al. Journal article MR-zero meets RARE MRI: Joint optimization of refocusing flip angles and neural networks to minimize T2-induced blurring in spin echo sequences (2023) Dang HN, Endres J, Weinmüller S, Glang F, Loktyushin A, Scheffler K, Dörfler A, et al. Journal article