Martin Mayr


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Die Nürnberger Briefbücher III. 1409-1412 (2024) Bürcky S, Krenz J, Mayr M, Neumeier K Edited Volume Die Nürnberger Briefbücher II. 1408/1409 (2024) Bub A, Krenz J, Mayr M, Neumeier K Edited Volume Investigations on Self-supervised Learning for Script-, Font-type, and Location Classification on Historical Documents (2023) Zenk J, Kordon FJ, Mayr M, Seuret M, Christlein V Conference contribution Multi-stage Fine-Tuning Deep Learning Models Improves Automatic Assessment of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (2023) Schuster B, Kordon FJ, Mayr M, Seuret M, Jost S, Kessler J, Christlein V Conference contribution Combining OCR Models for Reading Early Modern Books (2023) Seuret M, van der Loop J, Weichselbaumer N, Mayr M, Molnar J, Hass T, Christlein V Conference contribution Beyond Human Forgeries: An Investigation into Detecting Diffusion-Generated Handwriting (2023) Carriere G, Nikolaidou K, Kordon FJ, Mayr M, Seuret M, Christlein V Conference contribution Classification of incunable glyphs and out-of-distribution detection with joint energy-based models (2023) Kordon FJ, Weichselbaumer N, Herz R, Mossman S, Potten E, Seuret M, Mayr M, Christlein V Journal article, Original article Deep learning for terahertz image denoising in nondestructive historical document analysis (2022) Dutta B, Root K, Ullmann I, Wagner F, Mayr M, Seuret M, Thies M, et al. Journal article, Original article Writer Retrieval and Writer Identification in Greek Papyri (2022) Christlein V, Marthot-Santaniello I, Mayr M, Nicolaou A, Seuret M Conference contribution Is Multitask Learning Always Better? (2022) Mattick A, Mayr M, Maier A, Christlein V Conference contribution