Dr. Yaeji Kim-Knauß


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The Paradox of Aging-Related Fears: Fear of Loneliness in Old Age as a Motivator for Loneliness Preventive Activities (2024) Kim-Knauß Y, Degen N, Lang F Journal article An Agentic Perspective on Aging Preparation (2023) Kim-Knauß Y Thesis IS THERE A WORRY ADVANTAGE? THE ROLE OF FEAR OF LONELINESS IN OLD AGE IN LONELINESS PREVENTIVE ACTIVITIES (2023) Degen N, Kim-Knauß Y, Lang F Conference contribution, Conference Contribution AN AGENTIC PERSPECTIVE ON AGING PREPARATION (2023) Kim-Knauß Y, Lang F Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster PANDEMIC-RELATED SOCIAL RESTRICTIONS INCREASED THE URGENCY AND ENGAGEMENT IN OLD-AGE PREPARATION (2022) Kim-Knauß Y Conference contribution COVID-19 Worries Predict Aging Preparation: Culture- and Domain-Specific Perspectives (2022) Kim-Knauß Y, Lang F, Rupprecht F, Martin K, Fung HH Journal article Leveraging Text Mining Approach to Identify What People Want to Know About Mental Disorders From Online Inquiry Platforms (2021) Park S, Kim-Knauß Y, Sim JA Journal article Late-Life Preparedness and Its Correlates: A Behavioral Perspective on Preparation (2021) Kim-Knauß Y, Lang F Journal article ACTION-RELATED THOUGHTS AND BELIEFS REGULATE THE EFFECT OF AGE STEREOTYPES ON AGING PREPARATION (2021) Kim-Knauß Y, Lang F, Fung H, Tse D Conference contribution Consumers' consciousness of health-friendly products and services and its association with sociodemographic characteristics and health status: a cross-sectional survey of the South Korean population (2020) Yun YH, Sim JA, Kim Y, Lee S, Kim KN Journal article