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Raluca-Mariana Sommer
List of publications:
Lehrstuhl für Sportwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Bewegung und Gesundheit
Lehrstuhl für Sportwissenschaft mit der Ausrichtung Gesundheitsförderung/Public Health/Sozialwissenschaften des Sports
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Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Edited Volume
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Filters (inactive)
Kommunale Bewegungsförderung für Frauen aus menschenrechtlicher Sicht (2024)
Sommer RM, Till M, Messing S, Ziemainz H, Abu-Omar K
Journal article
Resilient communities? A qualitative interview study on sustaining a community project for health promotion among socially disadvantaged women during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic (2023)
Sauter A, Linder S, Abu-Omar K, Sommer RM, Herrmann-Johns A
Journal article
Preferences of women in difficult life situations for a physical activity programme: protocol of a discrete choice experiment in the German NU-BIG project (2023)
Pedron S, Herbert-Maul A, Sauter A, Linder S, Sommer RM, Vomhof M, Gontscharuk V, et al.
Journal article
The cooperative planning approach in health promotion: Theoretical foundation, theoretical classification and key elements (2022)
Gelius P, Till M, Sommer RM, Ferschl S, Abu-Omar K
Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture
S11 Improving knowledge co-creation and participation in physical activity promotion: The cooperative planning approach (2022)
Gelius P, Sommer RM, Ferschl S, Till M, Abu-Omar K, Semrau J, Helsper N, et al.
Conference contribution
Pandemiebedingte Transformationsprozesse partizipativer Forschungsprojekte – Eine qualitative Studie zu vier Bewegungsförderungsprojekten aus dem Capital4Health Forschungsverbund (2022)
Boyer L, Sauter A, Sommer RM, Till M, Gelius P, Herrmann-Johns A
Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture
Resilient communities? A qualitative interview study on the maintenance of an exercise project for women in difficult life situations (BIG project) during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic (2022)
Sauter A, Abu-Omar K, Linder S, Sommer RM, Herrmann-Johns A
Conference contribution
Measurement instruments for community member participation in health promotion research: Preliminary results from a systematic review. (2022)
Sommer RM, Till M, Sauter A, Gelius P, Reimers AK
Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
Toward the economic evaluation of participatory approaches in health promotion: lessons from four German physical activity promotion projects (2021)
Gelius P, Sommer RM, Abu-Omar K, Schätzlein V, Suhrcke M
Journal article
Key performance indicators of cooperative planning processes: Case study results from German sport science and physical activity promotion projects (2021)
Sommer RM, Linder S, Ziemainz H, Gelius P
Journal article