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Klaus Götz
List of publications:
Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik (Astroteilchenphysik)
Professur für Nanomaterialcharakterisierung (Streumethoden)
Lehrstuhl für Kristallographie und Strukturphysik (ICSP)
Graduiertenkolleg 1896/2 In situ Mikroskopie mit Elektronen, Röntgenstrahlen und Rastersonden
Types of publications
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Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Edited Volume
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Unpublished / Preprint
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Filters (inactive)
Nucleation Behavior of SnS2 on Thiol Functionalized SAMs During Solution-Based Atomic Layer Deposition (2024)
Götz K, Prihoda A, Shen C, Dierner M, Dallmann J, Prusch S, Zahn D, et al.
Journal article
Systematic approach to measure the performance of microchannel-plate photomultipliers (2024)
Lehmann A, Böhm M, Götz K, Gumbert K, Krauss S, Miehling D, Pfaffinger M
Journal article
Mesoscopic Structure of Lipid Nanoparticle Formulations for mRNA Drug Delivery: Comirnaty and Drug-Free Dispersions (2024)
Unruh T, Götz K, Vogel C, Fröhlich E, Scheurer A, Porcar L, Steiniger F
Journal article
Atomic diffusion in liquid gallium and gallium-nickel alloys probed by quasielastic neutron scattering and molecular dynamic simulations (2024)
Shahzad A, Yang F, Steffen J, Neiß C, Panchenko A, Götz K, Vogel C, et al.
Journal article
Squeezing the Threshold of Metal-Halide Perovskite Micro-Crystal Lasers Grown by Solution Epitaxy (2024)
Zhou S, Rehm V, Afify HA, Feng Y, Korczak J, Szczerbakow A, Story T, et al.
Journal article
Solution-Growth Liquid-Phase Epitaxy of CsPbBr3 on NaCl by Optimizing the Substrate Dissolution (2023)
Elia J, Levchuk I, Hou Y, Matt G, These A, Zhao Y, Zhang J, et al.
Journal article
Porphyrin adsorption and ligand exchange at the (110)-TiO2 / organic liquid interface (2022)
Götz K, Stollberg I, Prihoda A, Bertram F, Metwalli E, Zech T, Unruh T
Journal article
Investigating Growth of Gold Nanorods by Simultaneous Small-Angle X-Ray and Neutron Scattering (2022)
Zech T, Metwalli E, Götz K, Schuldes I, Porcar L, Unruh T
Journal article
Highly Stable Lasing from Solution-Epitaxially Grown Formamidinium-Lead-Bromide Micro-Resonators (2022)
Afify HA, Sytnyk M, Rehm V, Barabash A, Mashkov O, Osvet A, Volobuev VV, et al.
Journal article
Hydrogenated anatase TiO2 single crystals: defects formation and structural changes as microscopic origin of co-catalyst free photocatalytic H2 evolution activity (2021)
Will J, Wierzbicka E, Wu M, Götz K, Yokosawa T, Liu N, Tesler A, et al.
Journal article, Original article