Mona Biermann


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Autoantibodies Recognizing Secondary NEcrotic Cells Promote Neutrophilic Phagocytosis and Identify Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (2018) Biermann M, Boeltz S, Pieterse E, Knopf J, Rech J, Bilyy R, Van Der Vlag J, et al. Journal article Low amounts of bisecting glycans characterize cerebrospinal fluid-borne IgG (2018) Knopf J, Magorivska I, Maier JN, Spitzer P, Bilyy R, Biermann M, Hychka K, et al. Journal article Experimental lupus is aggravated in mouse strains with impaired induction of neutrophil extracellular traps (2017) Kienhofer D, Hahn J, Stoof J, Csepregi JZ, Reinwald C, Urbonaviciute V, Johnsson C, et al. Journal article ROS is the boss (2017) Hahn J, Kienhofer D, Stoof J, Csepregi JZ, Reinwald C, Maueröder C, Urbonaviciute V, et al. Conference contribution Altered glycan accessibility on native immunoglobulin G complexes in early rheumatoid arthritis and its changes during therapy (2017) Stuemer J, Biermann M, Knopf J, Magorivska I, Kastbom A, Svaerd A, Janko C, et al. Journal article Blood-borne phagocytes internalize urate microaggregates and prevent intravascular NETosis by urate crystals (2016) Pieterse E, Jeremic I, Czegley C, Weidner D, Biermann M, Veissi S, Maueröder C, et al. Journal article Externalized decondensed neutrophil chromatin occludes pancreatic ducts and drives pancreatitis (2016) Leppkes M, Maueröder C, Hirth S, Nowecki S, Günther C, Billmeier U, Paulus S, et al. Journal article Sweet but dangerous - the role of immunoglobulin G glycosylation in autoimmunity and inflammation (2016) Biermann M, Griffante G, Podolska M, Boeltz S, Stürmer J, Munoz LE, Bilyy R, et al. Journal article The role of dead cell clearance in the etiology and pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus: dendritic cells as potential targets (2014) Biermann M, Veissi S, Maueröder C, Chaurio Gonzalez RA, Berens C, Herrmann M, Munoz Becerra L Journal article