apl. Prof. Dr. Christian Ott


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Relation between waist circumference and the renal hemodynamic in healthy individuals (2024) Bosch A, Kannenkeril D, Ott C, Striepe K, Schiffer M, Schmieder R Journal article Blood pressure reduction after renal denervation in patients with or without chronic kidney disease (2024) Günes-Altan M, Schmid A, Ott C, Bosch A, Pietschner R, Schiffer M, Uder M, et al. Journal article Determinants of arterial stiffness in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross sectional analysis (2023) Staef M, Ott C, Kannenkeril D, Striepe K, Schiffer M, Schmieder R, Bosch A Journal article Cardiovascular and health cost impacts of cuff blood pressure underestimation and overestimation of invasive aortic systolic blood pressure (2023) Fonseca R, Palmer AJ, Picone DS, Cox IA, Schultz MG, Black JA, Bos WJ, et al. Journal article Interdisciplinary German clinical practice guidelines on the management of type B aortic dissection Interdisziplinäre deutsche Leitlinien für die klinische Praxis zur Behandlung der Aortendissektion Typ B (2023) Oberhuber A, Raddatz A, Betge S, Ploenes C, Ito W, Janosi RA, Ott C, et al. Journal article Sex Differences in Blood Pressure and Potential Implications for Cardiovascular Risk Management (2023) Picone DS, Stoneman E, Cremer A, Schultz MG, Otahal P, Hughes AD, Black JA, et al. Journal article Skin sodium content as a predictor of blood pressure response to renal denervation (2023) Günes-Altan M, Schmid A, Kannenkeril D, Linz P, Ott C, Bosch A, Schiffer M, et al. Journal article Afferent neurons of the kidney with impaired firing pattern in inflammation – role of sodium currents? (2023) Lale N, Ditting T, Hilgers KF, Linz P, Ott C, Schmieder R, Schiffer M, et al. Journal article Myocardial infarction with a preserved ejection fraction—the impaired function of the cardio-renal baroreflex (2023) Pickny L, Hindermann M, Ditting T, Hilgers KF, Linz P, Ott C, Schmieder R, et al. Journal article BLOOD PRESSURE REDUCTION AFTER RENAL DENERVATION IN PATIENTS WITH OR WITHOUT CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE: THE ERLANGER EXPERIENCE (2023) Schmid A, Ott C, Bosch A, Schiffer M, Uder M, Schmieder R, Kannenkeril D Conference contribution