Dr. Jonas Egerer


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The industry transformation from fossil fuels to hydrogen will reorganize value chains: Big picture and case studies for Germany (2024) Egerer J, Farhang-Damghani N, Grimm V, Runge P Journal article, Original article The economics of global green ammonia trade – “Shipping Australian wind and sunshine to Germany” (2023) Egerer J, Grimm V, Niazmand K, Runge P Journal article Mittelfristige Mobilisierung deutscher Erzeugungskapazität im europäischen Kontext (2023) Lang L, Egerer J, Grimm V, Pfefferer U, Sölch C Conference contribution, Conference Contribution The Market Ramp-Up of Renewable Hydrogen and its Derivatives - the Role of H2Global (2023) Bauer F, Bollerhey T, Egerer J, Erdmann MC, Exenberger M, Geyer F, Grimm V, et al. Other publication type Investments in coupled energy sectors and market pricing (2023) Egerer J, Grimm V, Grübel J, Wirth J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Long-run market equilibria in coupled energy sectors: A study of uniqueness (2022) Egerer J, Grimm V, Grübel J, Zöttl G Journal article, Original article Mobilisierung von Erzeugungskapazitäten auf dem deutschen Strommarkt (2022) Egerer J, Grimm V, Lang L, Pfefferer U, Sölch C Journal article Kohleausstieg 2030 unter neuen Vorzeichen (2022) Egerer J, Grimm V, Lang L, Pfefferer U Journal article Das Smart Market-Konzept als marktbasiertes Element im deutschen Engpassmanagement (2022) Egerer J, Grimm V, Hilpert J, Holzhammer U, Hümmer B, Lang L, Mast T, et al. Journal article, Original article Smart Markets als marktbasiertes Element zum Engpassmanagement (2022) Lang L, Egerer J, Grimm V, Pfefferer U Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
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