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Susanne Kuhri
List of publications:
Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie I
Types of publications
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Filters (inactive)
Dispersing Perylene Diimide/SWCNT Hybrids: Structural Insights at the Molecular Level and Fabricating Advanced Materials (2015)
Tsarfati Y, Strauß V, Kuhri S, Krieg E, Weissman H, Shimoni E, Baram J, et al.
Journal article
Elucidating the Excited-State Properties of CuInS2 Nanocrystals upon Phase Transformation: Quasi-Quantum Dots Versus Bulk Behavior (2015)
Azimi SH, Kuhri S, Stahl MS, Hou Y, Guldi DM, Brabec C
Journal article, Original article
Tuning the reorganization energy of electron transfer in supramolecular ensembles - metalloporphyrin, oligophenylenevinylenes, and fullerene - and the impact on electron transfer kinetics (2015)
Stangel C, Schubert C, Kuhri S, Rotas G, Margraf J, Regulska E, Clark T, et al.
Journal article
The effects of post-processing on the surface and the optical properties of copper indium sulfide quantum dots (2015)
Akdas T, Distaso M, Kuhri S, Winter B, Birajdar B, Spiecker E, Guldi DM, Peukert W
Journal article, Original article
Effective Ligand Passivation of Cu2O Nanoparticles through Solid-State Treatment with Mercaptopropionic Acid (2014)
Azimi SH, Kuhri S, Osvet A, Matt G, Khanzada LS, Lemmer M, Luechinger NA, et al.
Journal article, Original article
En route towards panchromatic light harvesting: Photophysical and electrochemical properties of Bodipy-porphyrazine conjugates (2014)
Kuhri S, Engelhardt V, Faust R, Guldi DM
Journal article
A new approach for the photosynthetic antenna-reaction center complex with a model organized around an s-triazine linker (2014)
Kuhri S, Charalambidis G, Angaridis PA, Lazarides T, Pagona G, Tagmatarchis N, Coutsolelos AG, Guldi DM
Journal article, Original article
Light-harvesting with panchromatically absorbing BODIPY-porphyrazine conjugates to power electron transfer in supramolecular donor-acceptor ensembles (2013)
Engelhardt V, Kuhri S, Fleischhauer J, Garcia-Iglesias M, Gonzalez-Rodriguez D, Bottari G, Torres T, et al.
Journal article
Photoinduced electron transfer in a meso-linked Zn(II)porphyrin-Zn(II) phthalocyanine/C60-pyridyl supramolecular system (2013)
Urbani M, Osati S, Kuhri S, Guldi DM, Torres T
Journal article, Original article
Synthesis of thieno-bridged porphyrins: Changing the antiaromatic contribution by the direction of the thiophene ring (2012)
Mitsushige Y, Yamaguchi S, Lee BS, Sung YM, Kuhri S, Schierl C, Guldi DM, et al.
Journal article, Original article