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Lan Shi
List of publications:
Lehrstuhl für Technische Elektronik (LTE)
Types of publications
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Journal article
Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Edited Volume
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Unpublished / Preprint
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Analog Non-Linear Transformation-Based Tone Mapping for Image Enhancement in C-arm CT (2016)
Shi L, Berger M, Bier B, Söll C, Röber J, Fahrig R, Eskofier B, et al.
Conference contribution
Low-Power Analog Smart Camera Sensor for Edge Detection (2016)
Söll C, Shi L, Röber J, Reichenbach M, Weigel R, Hagelauer AM
Conference contribution
Low-Power High-Gain Operational Amplifier for Analog Image Pre-Processing in Smart Sensor Systems (2016)
Söll C, Mai T, Shi L, Röber J, Ußmüller T, Weigel R, Hagelauer AM
Conference contribution
A Tone Mapping Algorithm Suited for Analog-Signal Real-Time Image Processing (2016)
Shi L, Hadlich D, Söll C, Ußmüller T, Weigel R
Conference contribution
Dynamic Pixel Binning allows Spatial and Angular Resolution Tradeoffs to improve Image Quality in X-Ray C-Arm CT (2016)
Steg A, Reichenbach M, Söll C, Shi L, Maier A, Riess C
Conference contribution
A flexible mixed-signal image processing pipeline using 3D chip stacks (2016)
Shi L, Söll C, Pfundt B, Bänisch A, Reichenbach M, Seiler J, Ussmueller T, Weigel R
Journal article, Original article
A CMOS Image Sensor with Analog Pre-Processing Capability Suitable for Smart Camera Applications (2015)
Söll C, Shi L, Bänisch A, Ußmüller T, Weigel R
Conference contribution
Analog Computation Methods with the help of analog and pseudo-digital Carry Signals (2015)
Söll C, Shi L, Bänisch A, Röber J, Ußmüller T, Weigel R
Conference contribution
A Multi-Functional Reconfigurable Low-Power Ultra-High PSRR CMOS Reference-System (2015)
Söll C, Bänisch A, Röber J, Shi L, Weigel R
Conference contribution
Concept for a CMOS Image Sensor Suited for Analog Image Pre-Processing (2015)
Shi L, Söll C, Bänisch A, Weigel R, Seiler J, Ußmüller T
Conference contribution