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Dr. rer. nat. Darja Andreev
List of publications:
Department of Medicine 3 – Rheumatology and Immunology
Project Leads
Types of publications
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Journal article
Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Authored book
Edited Volume
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Conference contribution
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Unpublished / Preprint
Unpublished / Preprint
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Filters (inactive)
Osteocytes support bone metastasis of melanoma cells by CXCL5 (2024)
Jia Y, Zhang F, Meng X, Andreev D, Lyu P, Zhang W, Lai C, et al.
Journal article
Acod1-mediated inhibition of aerobic glycolysis suppresses osteoclast differentiation and attenuates bone erosion in arthritis (2024)
Kachler K, Andreev D, Thapa S, Royzman D, Gießl A, Karuppusamy S, Llerins Perez M, et al.
Journal article
A new platform for autoimmune diseases. Inducing tolerance with liposomes encapsulating autoantigens (2023)
Almenara-Fuentes L, Rodriguez-Fernandez S, Rosell-Mases E, Kachler K, You A, Salvado M, Andreev D, et al.
Journal article
Hypoxia-immune-related microenvironment prognostic signature for osteosarcoma (2022)
Zhang W, Lyu P, Andreev D, Jia Y, Zhang F, Bozec A
Journal article
Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoimmunology: The adverse impact of a deregulated immune system on bone metabolism (2022)
Andreev D, Kachler K, Bozec A, Schett G
Journal article
The soluble CD83 protein prevents bone destruction by inhibiting the formation of osteoclasts and inducing resolution of inflammation in arthritis (2022)
Royzman D, Andreev D, Stich L, Peckert K, Wild A, Zinser E, Mühl-Zürbes P, et al.
Journal article
Epithelial HIF2 alpha expression induces intestinal barrier dysfunction and exacerbation of arthritis (2022)
Wen J, Lyu P, Stolzer I, Xu J, Gießl A, Lin Z, Andreev D, et al.
Journal article
Estrogen-mediated downregulation of HIF-1 alpha signaling in B lymphocytes influences postmenopausal bone loss (2022)
Meng X, Lin Z, Cao S, Janowska I, Sonomoto K, Andreev D, Knab K, et al.
Journal article
Tibia Cortical Bone Segmentation in Micro-CT and X-ray Microscopy Data Using a Single Neural Network (2022)
Aust O, Thies M, Weidner D, Wagner F, Pechmann S, Mill L, Andreev D, et al.
Conference contribution
New Insights into Bone Loss in RA (2021)
Andreev D, Bozec A
Journal article, Review article