Alexander Winterl


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Immune cells employ intermittent integrin-mediated traction forces for 3D migration (2025) Czerwinski T, Bischof L, Böhringer D, Kara-Kocak S, Strissel P, Strick R, Winterl A, et al. Unpublished / Preprint Remote sensing of emperor penguin abundance and breeding success (2024) Winterl A, Richter S, Houstin A, Barracho T, Boureau M, Cornec C, Couet D, et al. Journal article Advances in remote sensing of emperor penguins: first multi-year time series documenting trends in the global population (2024) LaRue M, Iles D, Labrousse S, Fretwell P, Ortega D, Devane E, Horstmann I, et al. Journal article RFIDeep: Unfolding the potential of deep learning for radio-frequency identification (2023) Bardon G, Cristofari R, Winterl A, Barracho T, Benoiste M, Ceresa C, Chatelain N, et al. Journal article Viscoelastic properties of suspended cells measured with shear flow deformation cytometry (2022) Gerum R, Mirzahossein E, Eroles M, Elsterer J, Mainka A, Bauer A, Sonntag S, et al. Journal article Biologging of emperor penguins-Attachment techniques and associated deployment performance (2022) Houstin A, Paranhos Zitterbart D, Winterl A, Richter S, Planas-Bielsa V, Chevallier D, Ancel A, et al. Journal article Detecting long-range interactions between migrating cells (2021) Metzner C, Hörsch F, Mark C, Czerwinski T, Winterl A, Voskens C, Fabry B Journal article A low-cost uniaxial cell stretcher for six parallel wells (2021) Kah DTE, Winterl A, Přechová M, Schöler U, Schneider W, Friedrich O, Gregor M, Fabry B Journal article, Original article Cryopreservation impairs 3-D migration and cytotoxicity of natural killer cells (2020) Mark C, Czerwinski T, Roessner S, Mainka A, Hörsch F, Heublein L, Winterl A, et al. Journal article micrObs – A customizable time-lapse camera for ecological studies (2020) Winterl A, Richter S, Houstin A, Nesterova AP, Bonadonna F, Schneider W, Fabry B, et al. Journal article