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Annemarie Prihoda
List of publications:
Professur für Nanomaterialcharakterisierung (Streumethoden)
Types of publications
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Journal article
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Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Edited Volume
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Filters (inactive)
Nucleation Behavior of SnS2 on Thiol Functionalized SAMs During Solution-Based Atomic Layer Deposition (2024)
Götz K, Prihoda A, Shen C, Dierner M, Dallmann J, Prusch S, Zahn D, et al.
Journal article
Solution-Growth Liquid-Phase Epitaxy of CsPbBr3 on NaCl by Optimizing the Substrate Dissolution (2023)
Elia J, Levchuk I, Hou Y, Matt G, These A, Zhao Y, Zhang J, et al.
Journal article
Porphyrin adsorption and ligand exchange at the (110)-TiO2 / organic liquid interface (2022)
Götz K, Stollberg I, Prihoda A, Bertram F, Metwalli E, Zech T, Unruh T
Journal article
Area-Selective Growth of HfS(2)Thin Films via Atomic Layer Deposition at Low Temperature (2020)
Cao Y, Wähler T, Park H, Will J, Prihoda A, Moses Badlyan N, Fromm L, et al.
Journal article
Area-Selective Growth of HfS(2)Thin Films via Atomic Layer Deposition at Low Temperature (2020)
Cao Y, Wähler T, Park H, Will J, Prihoda A, Moses Badlyan N, Fromm L, et al.
Journal article
Interface between Water-Solvent Mixtures and a Hydrophobic Surface (2020)
Prihoda A, Will J, Duchstein P, Becit B, Lossin F, Schindler T, Berlinghof M, et al.
Journal article
Epitaxial Metal Halide Perovskites by Inkjet-Printing on Various Substrates (2020)
Sytnyk M, Yousefi-Amin AA, Freund T, Prihoda A, Götz K, Unruh T, Harreiß C, et al.
Journal article
A novel experimental approach for nanostructure analysis: simultaneous small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering (2020)
Metwalli E, Götz K, Lages S, Bär C, Zech T, Noll D, Schuldes I, et al.
Journal article
Crystal-structure of active layers of small molecule organic photovoltaics before and after solvent vapor annealing (2020)
Berlinghof M, Langner S, Harreiß C, Schmidt E, Siris R, Bertram F, Shen C, et al.
Journal article, Original article