Dr. Stefanie Nübler


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Publisher Correction: Determinants of exposure to acrylamide in European children and adults based on urinary biomarkers: results from the “European Human Biomonitoring Initiative” HBM4EU participating studies (Scientific Reports, (2023), 13, 1, (21291), 10.1038/s41598-023-48738-6) (2024) F. Fernández S, Poteser M, Govarts E, Pardo O, Coscollà C, Schettgen T, Vogel N, et al. Journal article, Erratum CAS3D: 3D quantitative morphometry on Second Harmonic Generation image volumes from single skeletal muscle fibers (2024) Schneidereit D, Bauer J, Mnuskina S, Nübler S, Cacciani N, Mühlberg A, Kreiß L, et al. Journal article Determinants of exposure to acrylamide in European children and adults based on urinary biomarkers: results from the “European Human Biomonitoring Initiative” HBM4EU participating studies (2023) F. Fernández S, Poteser M, Govarts E, Pardo O, Coscollà C, Schettgen T, Vogel N, et al. Journal article Coordination of chemical analyses under the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU): Concepts, procedures and lessons learnt (2023) Vorkamp K, Esteban López M, Gilles L, Göen T, Govarts E, Hajeb P, Katsonouri A, et al. Journal article, Review article External Quality Assurance Schemes (EQUASs) and Inter-laboratory Comparison Investigations (ICIs) for human biomonitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) biomarkers in urine as part of the quality assurance programme under HBM4EU (2023) Nübler S, Esteban López M, Castaño A, Mol HG, Müller J, Schäfer M, Haji-Abbas-Zarrabi K, et al. Journal article Single fibre cytoarchitecture in ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction (VIDD) assessed by quantitative morphometry second harmonic generation imaging: Positive effects of BGP-15 chaperone co-inducer and VBP-15 dissociative corticosteroid treatment (2023) Mnuskina S, Bauer J, Wirth-Hücking A, Schneidereit D, Nübler S, Ritter P, Cacciani N, et al. Journal article, Original article SEMPAI: a Self-Enhancing Multi-Photon Artificial Intelligence for Prior-Informed Assessment of Muscle Function and Pathology (2023) Mühlberg A, Ritter P, Langer S, Goossens C, Nübler S, Schneidereit D, Taubmann O, et al. Journal article, Original article Second Harmonic Generation Morphometry of Muscle Cytoarchitecture in Living Cells (2023) Schneidereit D, Nübler S, Friedrich O Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Absence of the Z-disc protein α-actinin-3 impairs the mechanical stability of Actn3KO mouse fast-twitch muscle fibres without altering their contractile properties or twitch kinetics (2022) Haug M, Reischl B, Nübler S, Kiriaev L, Mázala DA, Houweling PJ, North KN, et al. Journal article, Original article Interlaboratory Comparison Investigations (ICIs) and External Quality Assurance Schemes (EQUASs) for human biomonitoring of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in serum as part of the quality assurance programme under HBM4EU (2022) Nübler S, Esteban López M, Castaño A, Mol HG, Haji-Abbas-Zarrabi K, Schäfer M, Müller J, et al. Journal article
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