Dr. Florian Hofmann

Picture of Florian Hofmann


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Reflexives Schreiben in der Hochschulbildung - ein systematisches Review zu Konzepten, Forschungsthemen und -methoden (2024) Hofmann F, Zhang C, Artmann M, Gläser-Zikuda M Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Reflexives Schreiben von Lehramtsstudierenden: Eine Analyse mit Verfahren maschinellen Lernens und vortrainierten Sprachmodellen (2024) Zhang C, Solopova V, Hofmann F, Gläser-Zikuda M Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Classification of reflective writing: A comparative analysis with shallow machine learning and pre-trained language models (2024) Zhang C, Hofmann F, Plößl L, Gläser-Zikuda M Journal article Evaluating Reflective Writing in Pre-Service Teachers: The Potential of a Mixed-Methods Approach (2023) Zhang C, Schießl J, Plößl L, Hofmann F, Gläser-Zikuda M Journal article Acceptance of artifcial intelligence among pre-service teachers: a multigroup analysis (2023) Zhang C, Schießl J, Plößl L, Hofmann F, Gläser-Zikuda M Journal article, Online publication Das BMBF-Projekt PetraKIP – KI-Einsatz in der Hochschullehre: Ein Werkstattbericht. (2023) Hofmann F, Zhang C Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Comparative analysis of pre-service teachers’ reflective writing: using shallow machine learning and pre-trained language models (2023) Zhang C, Hofmann F, Plößl L, Gläser-Zikuda M Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Einblicke in das BMBF-Projekt „PetraKIP-Persönliches transparentes KI-basiertes Portfolio“ – ein Werkstattbericht. (2023) Gläser-Zikuda M, Hofmann F, Plößl L Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Reflective Writing in Higher Educaiton: A Systematic Literature Review of Domains, Aims, and Assessments (2023) Zhang C, Hofmann F, Artmann M, Plößl L, Gläser-Zikuda M Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture PapagAI: Automated Feedback for Reflective Essays (2023) Solopova V, Rostom E, Cremer F, Gruszczynski A, Witte S, Zhang C, Ramos L´opez F, et al. Conference contribution, Conference Contribution