apl. Prof. Dr. Markus Biburger


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Tissue niche occupancy determines the contribution of fetal- versus bone-marrow-derived macrophages to IgG effector functions (2024) Wöhner M, Brechtelsbauer S, Friedrich N, Vorsatz C, Bulang J, Liang C, Schorr L, et al. Journal article My Name Is Legion, for We Are Many—The Complex Community of Antibody Receptors (2023) Biburger M Journal article Mixed IgG Fc immune complexes exhibit blended binding profiles and refine FcR affinity estimates (2023) Tan ZC, Lux A, Biburger M, Varghese P, Lees S, Nimmerjahn F, Meyer AS Journal article Immunoglobulin G-dependent inhibition of inflammatory bone remodeling requires pattern recognition receptor Dectin-1 (2023) Seeling M, Pöhnl M, Kara S, Horstmann N, Riemer C, Wöhner M, Liang C, et al. Journal article, Original article Tissue niche occupancy determines the contribution of yolk-sac versus bone marrow derived macrophages to IgG effector functions (2022) Nimmerjahn F, Biburger M Conference contribution Corrigendum: There Is (Scientific) Strength in Numbers: A Comprehensive Quantitation of Fc Gamma Receptor Numbers on Human and Murine Peripheral Blood Leukocytes (Front. Immunol., (2020), 11, (118), 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00118) (2022) Kerntke C, Nimmerjahn F, Biburger M Journal article, Erratum There is strength in numbers: Quantitation of Fc gamma receptors on murine tissue-resident macrophages (2021) Vorsatz C, Friedrich N, Nimmerjahn F, Biburger M Journal article There Is strength in numbers - episode 2: a comprehensive quantitation of Fc gamma receptors on murine tissue-resident macrophages (2021) Friedrich N, Vorsatz C, Nimmerjahn F, Biburger M Conference contribution There Is (Scientific) Strength in Numbers: A Comprehensive Quantitation of Fc Gamma Receptor Numbers on Human and Murine Peripheral Blood Leukocytes (2020) Kerntke C, Nimmerjahn F, Biburger M Journal article The Immunological Organ Environment Dictates the Molecular and Cellular Pathways of Cytotoxic Antibody Activity (2019) Gordan S, Albert H, Danzer H, Lux A, Biburger M, Nimmerjahn F Journal article