Jürgen Ilg


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Measurement and Analysis of the Material Properties and Oscillation Characteristics of Synthetic Vocal Folds (2016) Weiß S, Sutor A, Ilg J, Rupitsch S, Lerch R Journal article, Original article Inverse Methode zur Charakterisierung des mechanischen Frequenzverhaltens isotroper Werkstoffe (2016) Weiß M, Ilg J, Rupitsch S, Lerch R Journal article, Original article Inverse Method for Determining Material Parameters of Piezoceramics and Passive Materials (2015) Weiß M, Ilg J, Rupitsch S, Lerch R Conference contribution Inverse Method for Characterizing Material Parameters of Active and Passive components (2014) Weiß M, Ilg J, Rupitsch S, Lerch R Conference contribution Impedance-Based Temperature Sensing With Piezoceramic Devices (2013) Ilg J, Rupitsch S, Lerch R Journal article Inverse Scheme to Identify the Temperature Dependence of Electromechanical Coupling Factors for Piezoceramics (2013) Rupitsch S, Ilg J, Lerch R Conference contribution Influence of the fabrication process on the functionality of piezoceramic patch transducers embedded in aluminum die castings (2012) Klassen A, Rübner M, Ilg J, Rupitsch S, Lerch R, Singer R, Körner C Journal article Determination of Dynamic Material Properties of Silicone Rubber Using One-Point Measurements and Finite Element Simulations (2012) Ilg J, Rupitsch S, Sutor A, Lerch R Journal article Temperature measurements by means of the electrical impedance of piezoceramics (2012) Ilg J, Rupitsch S, Lerch R Conference contribution Simulation based estimation of dynamic mechanical properties for viscoelastic materials used for vocal fold models (2011) Rupitsch S, Ilg J, Sutor A, Lerch R, Döllinger M Journal article