apl. Prof. Dr. Philipp Gölitz


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Meningitis and intracranial abscess due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae in a B cell-depleted patient with multiple sclerosis (2024) Madžar D, Nickel F, Rothhammer V, Gölitz P, Geißdörfer W, Dumke R, Lang R Journal article Microcatheters with extra-long detachable tip: A promising treatment option in dural arteriovenous fistulas (2022) Gölitz P, Lücking H, Knott M, Hock S, Brandner S, Knossalla F, Dörfler A Journal article "Virtual stent" - clinical evaluation and user experience of on-the-fly stent simulation in treatment of cerebral aneurysms (2021) Lücking H, Birkhold A, Hölter P, Lang S, Gölitz P, Schmidt M, Mrochen A, et al. Journal article High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging in isolated, traumatic oculomotor nerve palsy: A case report (2021) Eisenhut F, Gerner S, Gölitz P, Dörfler A, Seifert F Journal article Stent-Assisted Coiling Using Leo+ Baby Stent: Immediate and Mid-Term Results (2020) Lücking H, Struffert T, Gölitz P, Engelhorn T, Brandner S, Kuramatsu J, Lang S, et al. Journal article Automated ASPECT scoring in acute ischemic stroke: comparison of three software tools (2020) Hölter P, Mühlen I, Gölitz P, Beuscher V, Schwab S, Dörfler A Journal article What is the hemodynamic effect of the Woven EndoBridge? An in vivo quantification using time-density curve analysis (2020) Gölitz P, Lücking H, Hölter P, Knossalla F, Dörfler A Journal article Two- to five-year follow-up of 78 patients after treatment with the Flow Redirection Endoluminal Device (2020) Lücking H, Dörfler A, Gölitz P, Hölter P, Engelhorn T, Lang S Journal article Two- to five-year follow-up of 78 patients after treatment with the Flow Redirection Endoluminal Device (2019) Lücking H, Dörfler A, Gölitz P, Engelhorn T, Lang S, Hölter P Journal article Noninvasive Collateral Flow Velocity Imaging in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Intraindividual Comparison of 4D-CT Angiography with Digital Subtraction Angiography (2019) Mühlen I, Kloska SP, Gölitz P, Breuer L, Ditt H, Dörfler A, Hölter P Journal article