Martin Schymanietz

Picture of Martin Schymanietz


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Characterising smart service systems – Revealing the smart value (2023) Kurtz J, Zinke-Wehlmann C, Lugmair N, Schymanietz M, Roth A Journal article Making Sense of the Sustainable Smart PSS Value Proposition (2022) Lugmair N, Ries L, Schymanietz M, Beckmann M, Roth A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Integrierte Entwicklung smarter Produkt-Service-Systeme (2022) Oks SJ, Schymanietz M, Jalowski M, Posselt T, Roth A Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Exploring data-driven service innovation—aligning perspectives in research and practice (2022) Schymanietz M, Jonas JM, Möslein K Journal article The How and Why of AI (2021) Kirschbaum J, Schymanietz M, Möslein K Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture A Software Ecosystem for the Development of Digital Service Design Tools: A Conceptual Framework (2021) Sengewald T, Jalowski M, Schymanietz M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Roleplaying in inter-organisational relationships – The Case of AI-based Innovation Ecosystems (2021) Kirschbaum J, Schymanietz M, Möslein K Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Retail Managers’ Perceptions of Service Robots in Organizational Frontlines – A Mixed Methods Approach (2020) Meyer P, Nelson A, Schymanietz M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Capabilities for Data-Driven Service Innovation (2020) Schymanietz M Thesis The Roles of Individual Actors in Data-Driven Service Innovation – A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective to Explore its Microfoundations (2020) Schymanietz M, Jonas J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
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