Konstantin Lomakin


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Design and Analysis of 3D Printed Slotted Waveguides for D-Band using Stereolithography and Electroless Silver Plating (2020) Lomakin K, Sippel M, Helmreich K, Gold G Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Using Group Velocity for Correct Determination of Phase Coefficient Without Initial Phase Assumption (2020) Lomakin K, Helmreich K, Gold G Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Circular Polarization Millimeter-Wave SAR Imaging using 3D-Printed Helix Antennas (2020) Ullmann I, Root K, Lomakin K, Gold G, Gottinger M, Helmreich K, Vossiek M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution 3D Printed Helix Antenna for 77 GHz (2020) Lomakin K, Sippel M, Ullmann I, Helmreich K, Gold G Conference contribution, Conference Contribution SLA Printed 3D Waveguide Paths for E-Band using Electroless Silver Plating (2019) Lomakin K, Herold S, Ringel L, Ringel J, Simon D, Sippel M, Sion A, et al. Journal article, Original article 3D-Printed Bowtie Filter Created by High Precision NanoJet System Combined with Novel Printing Strategy (2019) Sippel M, Lomakin K, Ankenbrand M, Petersen M, Franke J, Helmreich K, Vossiek M, Gold G Conference contribution, Conference Contribution 3D Printed Copper Waveguides by Selective Electron Beam Melting Process for E-Band (2019) Lomakin K, Guschlbauer R, Osmanlic F, Fu Z, Sippel M, Helmreich K, Körner C, et al. Conference contribution, Conference Contribution 3D Printed E-Band Hybrid Coupler (2019) Lomakin K, Klein L, Ringel L, Ringel J, Sippel M, Helmreich K, Gold G Journal article, Review article 3D Printed Slotted Rectangular Hollow Waveguides (2019) Lomakin K, Herold S, Simon D, Sippel M, Sion A, Vossiek M, Helmreich K, Gold G Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Best Practice Guide for Planar S-Parameter Measurements using Vector Network Analysers : EMPIR - 14IND02 PlanarCal (2019) Arz U, Probst T, Kuhlmann K, Ridler N, Shang X, Mubarak F, Hoffmann J, et al. Edited Volume
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