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Dr. med. Constanza Pontones
List of publications:
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Types of publications
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Journal article
Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Edited Volume
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Conference contribution
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Unpublished / Preprint
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Filters (inactive)
Smartphone pregnancy apps: systematic analysis of features, scientific guidance, commercialization, and user perception (2024)
Nissen M, Huang SY, Jäger K, Flaucher M, Titzmann A, Bleher H, Pontones C, et al.
Journal article
Systematic Comparison of ECG Delineation Algorithm Performance on Smartwatch Data (2024)
Jäger K, Nissen M, Flaucher M, Graf L, Joanidopoulos J, Anneken L, Hübner H, et al.
Journal article
Effects of prenatal alcohol exposition on cognitive outcomes in childhood and youth: a longitudinal analysis based on meconium ethyl glucuronide. (2024)
Roetner J, Van Doren J, Maschke J, Kulke L, Pontones C, Fasching PA, Beckmann MW, et al.
Journal article
Usability and Perception of a Wearable-Integrated Digital Maternity Record App in Germany: User Study (2023)
Nissen M, Perez CA, Jäger K, Bleher H, Flaucher M, Hübner H, Danzberger N, et al.
Journal article
Effects of an App-Based Mindfulness Intervention during Pregnancy on the Infant’s Prenatal Androgen Exposure: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial (2023)
Siegmann EM, Eichler A, Buchholz VN, Gerlach J, Pontones C, Titzmann A, Arnaud N, et al.
Journal article
Cerebroplacental versus Umbilicocerebral Ratio—Analyzing the Predictive Value Regarding Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in Low- and High-Risk Fetuses at Term (2023)
Stumpfe F, Mayr A, Schneider M, Kehl S, Stübs F, Antoniadis S, Titzmann A, et al.
Journal article
Feasibility and Acceptance of Self-Guided Mobile Ultrasound among Pregnant Women in Routine Prenatal Care (2023)
Pontones C, Titzmann A, Hübner H, Danzberger N, Rübner M, Häberle L, Eskofier B, et al.
Journal article
WebPPG: Feasibility and Usability of Self-Performed, Browser-Based Smartphone Photoplethysmography (2023)
Nissen M, Flaucher M, Jäger K, Hübner H, Danzberger N, Titzmann A, Pontones C, et al.
Conference contribution
Kontrazeption – neue Trends, auch für Jugendliche (2023)
Pontones C, Oppelt P
Journal article
Veranstaltungsbericht – Rückblick auf die Summer School für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe an der Universitätsfrauenklinik Erlangen (2022)
Zahn A, Titzmann A, Pontones C
Journal article, Editorial