Dr. rer. nat. Konstantin Tziridis


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Tinnitus is associated with increased extracellular matrix density in the auditory cortex of Mongolian gerbils (2024) Tziridis K, Maul A, Rasheed J, Krauß P, Schilling A, Schulze H Journal article Predictive coding and stochastic resonance as fundamental principles of auditory phantom perception (2023) Schilling A, Sedley W, Gerum RC, Metzner C, Tziridis K, Maier A, Schulze H, et al. Journal article, Review article Behavioral Assessment of Zwicker Tone Percepts in Gerbils (2023) Schilling A, Tziridis K, Schulze H, Krauß P Journal article Extracting continuous sleep depth from EEG data without machine learning (2023) Metzner C, Schilling A, Traxdorf M, Schulze H, Tziridis K, Krauß P Journal article Erlanger Modell der Tinnitusentstehung – Perspektivwechsel und neue Behandlungsstrategie (2023) Schulze H, Schilling A, Krauß P, Tziridis K Journal article, Review article Is phase locking crucial to improve hearing thresholds in tinnitus patients? (2023) Schulze H, Tziridis K Journal article Classification at the accuracy limit: facing the problem of data ambiguity (2022) Metzner C, Schilling A, Traxdorf M, Tziridis K, Maier A, Schulze H, Krauß P Journal article Estimation of Tinnitus-Related Socioeconomic Costs in Germany (2022) Tziridis K, Friedrich J, Brueggemann P, Mazurek B, Schulze H Journal article Preventive Effects of Ginkgo-Extract EGb 761® on Noise Trauma-Induced Cochlear Synaptopathy (2022) Tziridis K, Schulze H Journal article Circadian Sensitivity of Noise Trauma-Induced Hearing Loss and Tinnitus in Mongolian Gerbils (2022) Grimm J, Schulze H, Tziridis K Journal article