Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Apeleo Zubiri


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Investigation of the size-property relationship in CuInS2 quantum dots (2015) Akdas T, Walter J, Segets D, Distaso M, Winter B, Birajdar B, Spiecker E, Peukert W Journal article, Original article Germanium-silicon alloy and core-shell nanocrystals by gas phase synthesis (2015) Mehringer C, Kloner C, Butz B, Winter B, Spiecker E, Peukert W Journal article The effects of post-processing on the surface and the optical properties of copper indium sulfide quantum dots (2015) Akdas T, Distaso M, Kuhri S, Winter B, Birajdar B, Spiecker E, Guldi DM, Peukert W Journal article, Original article Sub-bandgap photon harvesting for organic solar cells via integrating up-conversion nanophosphors (2015) Chen W, Hou Y, Osvet A, Guo F, Kubis P, Batentschuk M, Winter B, et al. Journal article, Original article Hydrogenated Anatase: Strong Photocatalytic Dihydrogen Evolution without the Use of a Co-Catalyst (2014) Liu N, Schneider C, Freitag D, Venkatesan UM, Marthala V, Hartmann M, Winter B, et al. Journal article Prototyping of catalyst pore-systems by a combined synthetic, analytical and computational approach: Application to mesoporous TiO2 (2014) Novak V, Ortel E, Winter B, Butz B, Paul B, Koci P, Marek M, et al. Journal article Optical polymers with tunable refractive index for nanoimprint technologies (2014) Landwehr J, Fader R, Rumler M, Rommel M, Bauer A, Frey L, Simon B, et al. Journal article Epitaxial Growth of PbSe Quantum Dots on MoS2 Nanosheets and their Near-Infrared Photoresponse (2014) Schornbaum J, Winter B, Schießl S, Gannott F, Katsukis G, Guldi DM, Spiecker E, Zaumseil J Journal article Controlled In Situ PbSe Quantum Dot Growth around Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: A Noncovalent PbSe-SWNT Hybrid Structure (2013) Schornbaum J, Winter B, Schießl S, Butz B, Spiecker E, Zaumseil J Journal article Formation of a protective layer during IEC(b) test of epoxy resin loaded with silica nanoparticles (2012) Meichsner C, Clark T, Groeppel P, Winter B, Butz B, Spiecker E Journal article