Prof. Dr. med. Yesim Erim


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Development and validation of a questionnaire for measuring team cohesion: the Erlangen Team Cohesion at Work Scale (ETC) (2024) Lieb M, Erim Y, Morawa E Journal article Working conditions and mental health of migrants and refugees in Europe considering cultural origin– a systematic review (2024) Herold R, Lieb M, Borho A, Voss A, Unverzagt S, Morawa E, Rothermund E, Erim Y Journal article Beurteilung und Förderung der arbeitsbezogenen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung in der Psychotherapie: Ergebnisse einer Sekundäranalyse einer randomisiert-kontrollierten Studie (2024) Hansmann M, Angerer P, Brenner L, Brezinski J, Erim Y, Feisst M, Hander N, et al. Journal article Spirituality and anxiety in pastoral care workers and physicians in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (2024) Culmann AC, Baranowski AM, Matthias JK, Tüttenberg SC, Belschner W, Erim Y, Morawa E, et al. Journal article Mental distress of physicians in the outpatient care throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: emotional and supportive human relations matter – Cross-sectional results of the VOICE-study (2023) Mogwitz S, Albus C, Beschoner P, Erim Y, Geiser F, Jerg-Bretzke L, Morawa E, et al. Journal article Acute stress responses of autonomous nervous system, HPA axis, and inflammatory system in posttraumatic stress disorder (2023) von Majewski K, Kraus O, Rhein C, Lieb M, Erim Y, Rohleder N Journal article Depressive and anxiety symptoms in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic among physicians in hospitals: results of the longitudinal, multicenter VOICE-EgePan survey over two years (2023) Morawa E, Adler W, Schug C, Geiser F, Beschoner P, Jerg-Bretzke L, Albus C, et al. Journal article Cognitive impairments and mental health of patients with post-COVID-19: A cross-sectional study (2023) Morawa E, Krehbiel J, Borho A, Herold R, Lieb M, Schug C, Erim Y Journal article Relationship between working conditions and mental health of migrants and refugees/asylum seekers vs. natives in Europe: a systematic review (2023) Herold R, Lieb M, Borho A, Voss A, Unverzagt S, Morawa E, Erim Y Journal article, Review article Psychosocial Diagnosis and Treatment Before and After Organ Transplantation (2023) Zwaan Md, Erim Y, Kröncke S, Vitinius F, Buchholz A, Nöhre M Journal article