Prof. Dr. Manfred Wichmann


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Impact of manual therapy on body posture-3-D analysis with rasterstereography – pilotstudy (2024) Harhoff A, Pohl T, Loibl C, Adler W, Süßenbach-Mädl M, Ries J, Seidel A, et al. Journal article Three-dimensional imaging analysis of CAD/CAM custom-milled versus prefabricated allogeneic block remodelling at 6 months and long-term follow-up of dental implants: A retrospective cohort study (2024) Seidel A, Leira Y, Batalla P, Caneiro L, Wichmann M, Blanco J Journal article Investigation of Morphological Changes of the Soft Tissue in the Aesthetic Zone: A 3D Virtual Analysis after Conventional Tooth Extraction and Benex® Extraction (2024) Buchbender M, Gath L, Jaeckel F, Seidel A, Kesting MR, Wichmann M, Adler W, Matta R Journal article Effect of Luting Materials on the Accuracy of Fit of Zirconia Copings: A Non-Destructive Digital Analysis Method (2024) Berger L, Matta R, Weiß C, Adler W, Wichmann M, Zorzin JI Journal article Stress Distribution within the Peri-Implant Bone for Different Implant Materials Obtained by Digital Image Correlation (2024) Matta R, Berger L, Löhlein M, Leven L, Taxis J, Wichmann M, Motel C Journal article Impact of Scanbody Geometry and CAD Software on Determining 3D Implant Position (2024) Kropfeld J, Berger L, Adler W, Schulz K, Motel C, Wichmann M, Matta R Journal article Quantitative analysis of zirconia and titanium implant artefacts in three-dimensional virtual models of multi-slice CT and cone beam CT: does scan protocol matter? (2023) Matta R, Knapp Giacaman S, Wiesmüller M, Lutz R, Uder M, Wichmann M, Seidel A Journal article Comparison of digital and visual tooth shade selection (2023) Abu-Hossin S, Onbasi Y, Berger L, Troll F, Adler W, Wichmann M, Matta R Journal article Comparison of Digital and Conventional Impressions Based on the 3D Fit of Crowns (2022) Berger L, Adler W, Kreuzer M, Wichmann M, Matta R Journal article Investigation of the palatal soft tissue volume: a 3D virtual analysis for digital workflows and presurgical planning (2022) Seidel A, Schmitt C, Matta R, Buchbender M, Wichmann M, Berger L Journal article
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