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Dr. rer. nat. Jan Zaloga
List of publications:
Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (HNO-Klinik)
Types of publications
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Journal article
Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
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Edited Volume
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Conference contribution
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Unpublished / Preprint
Unpublished / Preprint
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Filters (inactive)
Surface Modification of SPIONs in PHBV Microspheres for Biomedical Applications (2018)
Idris MIB, Zaloga J, Detsch R, Roether J, Unterweger H, Alexiou C, Boccaccini AR
Journal article, Review article
Drug delivery to atherosclerotic plaques using superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (2018)
Matuszak J, Lutz B, Sekita A, Zaloga J, Alexiou C, Lyer S, Cicha I
Journal article
Studies on the adsorption and desorption of mitoxantrone to lauric acid/albumin coated iron oxide nanoparticles (2018)
Zaloga J, Feoktystov A, Garamus VM, Karawacka W, Ioffe A, Brueckel T, Tietze R, et al.
Journal article
Ex vivo human artery model to investigate magnetic targeting in cardiovascular diseases (2017)
Cicha I, Janikowska A, Matuszak J, Unterweger H, Zaloga J, Lyer S, Alexiou C
Conference contribution
Induction of immunogenic cell death by chemotherapeutics-loaded nanoparticles for targeted tumor therapy (2017)
Janko C, Alev M, Mühleisen L, Weigel B, Zaloga J, Alexiou C
Conference contribution
Strategies to optimize the biocompatibility of iron oxide nanoparticles - "SPIONs safe by design" (2017)
Janko C, Zaloga J, Poettler M, Dürr S, Eberbeck D, Tietze R, Lyer S, Alexiou C
Journal article
A novel human artery model to assess the magnetic accumulation of SPIONs under flow conditions (2017)
Janikowska A, Matuszak J, Lyer S, Schreiber E, Unterweger H, Zaloga J, Groll J, et al.
Journal article
Selection of potential iron oxide nanoparticles for breast cancer treatment based on in vitro cytotoxicity and cellular uptake (2017)
Poller J, Zaloga J, Schreiber E, Unterweger H, Janko C, Radon P, Eberbeck D, et al.
Journal article
Facile preparation of multifunctional superparamagnetic PHBV microspheres containing SPIONs for biomedical applications (2016)
Li W, Zaloga J, Ding Y, Liu Y, Janko C, Pischetsrieder M, Alexiou C, Boccaccini AR
Journal article
Analyzing iron oxide nanoparticles for drug delivery - innovative investigation tools for nanotoxicology (2016)
Janko C, Poettler M, Friedrich RP, Zaloga J, Unterweger H, Dürr S, Tietze R, et al.
Conference contribution