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Mizanur Rahman
List of publications:
Lehrstuhl für Geographie (Physische Geographie)
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Journal article
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Tropical tree growth driven by dry-season climate variability (2022)
Zuidema PA, Babst F, Groenendijk P, Trouet V, Abiyu A, Acuña-Soto R, Adenesky-Filho E, et al.
Journal article
Disentangling the role of competition, light interception, and functional traits in tree growth rate variation in South Asian tropical moist forests (2021)
Rahman M, Billah M, Rahman MO, Datta D, Ahsanuzzaman M, Islam M
Journal article
Tree-ring δ18O climate signals vary among tree functional types in South Asian tropical moist forests (2021)
Islam M, Rahman M, Gebrekirstos A, Bräuning A
Journal article
Disentangling the effects of atmospheric CO2 and climate on intrinsic water-use efficiency in South Asian tropical moist forest trees (2020)
Rahman M, Islam M, Gebrekirstos A, Bräuning A
Journal article
Recent CO2 rise has modified the sensitivity of tropical tree growth to rainfall and temperature (2020)
Zuidema PA, Heinrich I, Rahman M, Vlam M, Zwartsenberg SA, van der Sleen P
Journal article
Species-specific growth resilience to drought in a mixed semi-deciduous tropical moist forest in South Asia (2019)
Rahman M, Islam M, Bräuning A
Journal article
Long-term wood anatomical time series of two ecologically contrasting tropical tree species reveal differential hydraulic adjustment to climatic stress (2019)
Islam M, Rahman M, Bräuning A
Journal article
Impact of extreme drought on tree-ring width and vessel anatomical features of Chukrasia tabularis (2019)
Islam M, Rahman M, Bräuning A
Journal article
Trends in tree growth and intrinsic water-use efficiency in the tropics under elevated CO2 and climate change (2019)
Rahman M, Islam M, Gebrekirstos A, Bräuning A
Journal article, Review article
Xylem anatomical responses of diffuse porous Chukrasia tabularis to climate in a South Asian moist tropical forest (2018)
Islam M, Rahman M, Bräuning A
Journal article, Original article