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Dr. Heinz Edelmann
List of publications:
Dr.Karl-Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, Astronomisches Institut
Types of publications
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Journal article
Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Edited Volume
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Filters (inactive)
Archives of Photographic PLates for Astronomical USE (APPLAUSE): Digitisation of astronomical plates and their integration into the International Virtual Observatory (2024)
Enke H, Tuvikene T, Groote D, Edelmann H, Heber U
Journal article
Long-Term Activity of a Little Known Dwarf Nova DT Octantis (2019)
Simon V, Edelmann H
Journal article
On some Bamberg wide-field plate catalogues recently incorporated into WFPDB (2018)
Tsvetkova K, Tsvetkov M, Kirov N, Kalaglarsky D, Edelmann H, Heber U
Journal article
Two candidate brown dwarf companions around core helium-burning stars (2014)
Schaffenroth V, Classen L, Nagel K, Geier S, Koen C, Heber U, Edelmann H
Journal article
Orbital solutions of eight close sdB binaries and constraints on the nature of the unseen companions (2014)
Geier S, Ostensen RH, Heber U, Kupfer T, Maxted PFL, Barlow BN, Vuckovic M, et al.
Journal article
The subdwarf B star SB 290-A fast rotator on the extreme horizontal branch (2013)
Geier S, Heber U, Heuser C, Classen L, O'Toole SJ, Edelmann H
Journal article
Hot subdwarf stars in close-up view: IV. Helium abundances and the 3he isotopic anomaly of subdwarf b stars (2013)
Geier S, Heber U, Edelmann H, Morales-Rueda L, Kilkenny D, O'Donoghue D, Marsh TR, Copperwheat C
Journal article
Metal abundances of subdwarf B stars-the extended sample (2010)
Geier S, Heber U, Heber U, Edelmann H, Morales-Rueda L, Napiwotzki R
Journal article
Hot subdwarfs in binary systems and the nature of their unseen companions (2010)
Geier S, Heber U, Tillich A, Hirsch H, Edelmann H, Schaffenroth V, Kupfer T, et al.
Journal article
Hot subdwarf stars in close-up view: I. Rotational properties of subdwarf B stars in close binary systems and nature of their unseen companions (2010)
Geier S, Heber U, Podsiadlowski P, Edelmann H, Napiwotzki R, Kupfer T, Müller S
Journal article