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Bingzhe Wang
List of publications:
Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie I
Types of publications
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Filters (inactive)
Unraveling the Charge-Carrier Dynamics from the Femtosecond to the Microsecond Time Scale in Double-Cable Polymer-Based Single-Component Organic Solar Cells (2021)
He Y, Wang B, Lüer L, Feng G, Osvet A, Heumüller T, Liu C, et al.
Journal article
Area-Selective Growth of HfS(2)Thin Films via Atomic Layer Deposition at Low Temperature (2020)
Cao Y, Wähler T, Park H, Will J, Prihoda A, Moses Badlyan N, Fromm L, et al.
Journal article
Area-Selective Growth of HfS(2)Thin Films via Atomic Layer Deposition at Low Temperature (2020)
Cao Y, Wähler T, Park H, Will J, Prihoda A, Moses Badlyan N, Fromm L, et al.
Journal article
Supramolecular Fullerene Tetramers Concocted with Porphyrin Boxes Enable Efficient Charge Separation and Delocalization (2020)
Yu X, Wang B, Kim Y, Park J, Ghosh S, Dhara B, Mukhopadhyay RD, et al.
Journal article
Designing Cascades of Electron Transfer Processes in Multicomponent Graphene Conjugates (2020)
Limosani F, Kaur R, Cataldo A, Bellucci S, Micciulla F, Zanoni R, Lembo A, et al.
Journal article
Tuning electron transfer in supramolecular nano-architectures made of fullerenes and porphyrins (2019)
Wang B, Bauroth S, Saha A, Chen M, Clark T, Lu X, Guldi DM
Journal article
Control over Tuning Fullerene Microcrystals by Means of Engineering Charge-Transfer Interactions (2019)
Wang B, Qu Y, Piao G, Guldi DM
Journal article
Intermolecular packing and charge transfer in metallofullerene/porphyrin cocrystals (2019)
Bao L, Wang B, Yu P, Huang C, Pan C, Fang H, Akasaka T, et al.
Journal article
Concave-Convex π-π Template Approach Enables the Synthesis of [10]Cycloparaphenylene-Fullerene [2]Rotaxanes (2018)
Xu Y, Kaur R, Wang B, Minameyer M, Gsänger S, Meyer B, Drewello T, et al.
Journal article
A Supramolecular [10]CPP Junction Enables Efficient Electron Transfer in Modular Porphyrin–[10]CPP⊃Fullerene Complexes (2018)
Xu Y, Wang B, Kaur R, Minameyer M, Bothe M, Drewello T, Guldi DM, Von Delius M
Journal article