PD Dr. Ramona Erber


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




RANK and RANKL Expression in Tumors of Patients with Early Breast Cancer (2023) Behrens A, Wurmthaler L, Heindl F, Gaß P, Häberle L, Volz B, Hack C, et al. Journal article Expression of disialoganglioside GD2 in breast cancer subtypes (2022) Gaß P, Kailayangiri S, Hübner H, Rübner M, Hartmann A, Häberle L, Völkl S, et al. Conference contribution Sitzungsbericht der AG Gynakound Mammapathologie am 09. Juni 2022 (2022) Burandt E, Mayr D, Erber R Journal article, Editorial CXCR2 expression on neutrophil granulocytes in peripheral tumor is associated with shorter survival in oral squamous cell carcinoma (2022) Spörl S, Erber R, Gerken M, Wittenberg M, Fischer R, Taxis J, Hartmann A, et al. Conference contribution Evaluation of a Wireless Localization System for Nonpalpable Breast Lesions - Feasibility and Cost-effectiveness in Everyday Clinical Routine (2022) Heindl F, Schulz-Wendtland R, Jud S, Erber R, Hack C, Preuss C, Behrens A, et al. Journal article Molecular Subtyping of Invasive Breast Cancer Using a PAM50-Based Multigene Expression Test-Comparison with Molecular-Like Subtyping by Tumor Grade/Immunohistochemistry and Influence on Oncologist's Decision on Systemic Therapy in a Real-World Setting (2022) Erber R, Angeloni M, Stöhr R, Lux MP, Ulbrich-Gebauer D, Pelz E, Bankfalvi A, et al. Journal article Gene-Expression Profiling of Mucinous Ovarian Tumors and Comparison with Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Tumors Identifies Markers Associated with Adverse Outcomes. (2022) Meagher NS, Gorringe KL, Wakefield MJ, Bolithon A, Pang CNI, Chiu DS, Anglesio MS, et al. Journal article TIGIT Expression on Intratumoral Lymphocytes Correlates with Improved Prognosis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. (2022) Eichberger J, Spörl S, Spanier G, Erber R, Taxis J, Schuderer J, Ludwig N, et al. Journal article Proficiency testing of PIK3CA mutations in HR+/HER2-breast cancer on liquid biopsy and tissue (2022) Vollbrecht C, Hoffmann I, Lehmann A, Merkelbach-Bruse S, Fassunke J, Wagener-Ryczek S, Ball M, et al. Journal article Superpixel Pre-segmentation of HER2 Slides for Efficient Annotation (2022) Öttl M, Mönius J, Marzahl C, Rübner M, Geppert CI, Hartmann A, Beckmann M, et al. Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
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