Prof. Dr. Hael Mughrabi


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Misorientations and geometrically necessary dislocations in deformed copper crystals: A microstructural analysis of X-ray rocking curves (2022) Mughrabi H, Obst B Journal article Implications of non-negligible microstructural variations during steady-state deformation (2022) Mughrabi H Journal article Heterostructured materials: superior properties from hetero-zone interaction (2021) Zhu Y, Ameyama K, Anderson PM, Beyerlein IJ, Gao H, Kim HS, Lavernia E, et al. Journal article Revisiting “Steady-State” Monotonic and Cyclic Deformation: Emphasizing the Quasi-Stationary State of Deformation (2020) Mughrabi H Journal article Very high cycle fatigue for single phase ductile materials: Comparison between α-iron, copper and α-brass polycrystals (2016) Favier V, Blanche A, Wang C, Ngoc Lam Phung , Ranc N, Wagner D, Bathias C, et al. Journal article In Memoriam Claude Bathias 1938–2015 (2016) Antolovich SD, Mughrabi H Journal article A tribute to Claude Bathias – Highlights of his pioneering work in Gigacycle Fatigue (2016) Mughrabi H, Antolovich SD Journal article The a-factor in the Taylor flow-stress law in monotonic, cyclic and quasi stationary deformations: Dependence on slip mode, dislocation arrangement and density (2016) Mughrabi H Journal article Microstructural mechanisms of cyclic deformation, fatigue crack initiation and early crack growth (2015) Mughrabi H Journal article Very high cycle fatigue of copper: Evolution, morphology and locations of surface slip markings (2014) Phung NL, Favier V, Ranc N, Vales F, Mughrabi H Journal article