Dr. Alejandro Cadranel


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Coexistence of MLCT Excited States of Different Symmetry upon Photoexcitation of a Single Molecular Species (2019) Oviedo PS, Pieslinger GE, Baraldo LM, Cadranel A, Guldi DM Journal article Inversion of donor-acceptor roles in photoinduced intervalence charge transfers (2019) Aramburu-Trošelj BM, Oviedo PS, Ramírez-Wierzbicki I, Baraldo LM, Cadranel A Journal article Electronic Energy Transduction from {Ru(py)4} Chromophores to Cr(III) Luminophores (2018) Cadranel A, Oviedo PS, Albores P, Baraldo LM, Guldi DM, Hodak JH Journal article Screening Supramolecular Interactions between Carbon Nanodots and Porphyrins (2018) Cadranel A, Strauß V, Margraf J, Winterfeld K, Vogl C, Dordevic L, Arcudi F, et al. Journal article Exploring Tetrathiafulvalene–Carbon Nanodot Conjugates in Charge Transfer Reactions (2018) Ferrer-Ruiz A, Scharl T, Haines P, Rodriguez-Perez L, Cadranel A, Herranz MA, Guldi DM, Martin N Journal article Fine-tuning the assemblies of carbon nanodots and porphyrins (2018) Scharl T, Cadranel A, Haines P, Strauß V, Bernhardt S, Vela S, Atienza C, et al. Journal article Trapping intermediate MLCT states in low-symmetry {Ru(bpy)} complexes (2017) Cadranel A, Oviedo PS, Pieslinger GE, Yamazaki S, Kleiman VD, Baraldo LM, Guldi DM Journal article Porphyrin Antennas on Carbon Nanodots: Excited State Energy and Electron Transduction (2017) Arcudi F, Strauß V, Dordevic L, Cadranel A, Guldi DM, Prato M Journal article Shedding light on the effective fluorophore structure of high fluorescence quantum yield carbon nanodots (2017) Wang W, Wang B, Embrechts H, Damm C, Cadranel A, Strauß V, Distaso M, et al. Journal article, Original article
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